Episode 036: Ten Tips for a Smooth Wedding Day
Josh and Michelle share practical ways to make your wedding day run smoothly
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Y8xxKem0c9G5X9TVkChuK?si=rWuq1gf2Q9WhuGfTobHc3Q
Do you worry about everything turning out perfectly on your wedding day? Or wish you could just sit down with couples that have had successful weddings and asked them how they did it all? As a professional DJ & photographer, Josh and Michelle, respectively, have worked hundreds of weddings and have seen what really works and what doesn’t.
In this episode, we’re sharing our top ten practical tips for making your wedding day run as smoothly as possible. We help you set realistic expectations and create a workable timeline ahead of time so that when the day arrives, your only concern will be getting married to your fiancé! Michelle also gives some do’s and don’t’s for the bride and groom and what to include in an emergency kit for the wedding day.
Have any more questions or tips that we didn’t mention?
Email us at info@columbusweddingpodcast.com
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